David Gross-Amblard

  • Professeur des universités en Informatique / Full Professor – Computer Science
  • Past Co-head of the DRUID team (2014-2020)
  • Member of the BDA advisory board (french national conference on Databases)
  • Past Co-head of the Research Master in Computer Sciences (M2 SIF, 2064-2020)

Current research interest


Current PhD Students

  • Machine-learning on graphs
    • Gauthier Lyan (micro-learning for bus transportation systems), with Jean-Marc Jézéquel and Keolis, Rennes

Previous PhD Students

  • Data Privacy & Security
    • Tompoariniaina Andriamilanto (authentification by browser fingerprinting), with Tristan Allard, Benoît Baudry and Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, B-Com
    • Joris Dugueperoux (privacy in crowdsourcing), with Tristan Allard
    • Anis Bkakria (Security policies for outsourced data)
    • Julien Lafaye (Database watermarking), with Michel Scholl
  • Data Mining
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Social network analytics
    • Damien Leprovost (semantic and temporal social network analytics), with Lylia Abrouk
    • Ian Jeantet (automatic analysis of the evolution of science – ANR EPIQUE), with Zoltan Miklos


Previous interests

  • Data Privacy – ANR CROWDGUARD
  • Data Security Policies – Cominlabs POSEIDON
  • Symbolic Musical Databases – ANR Neuma
  • Database watermarking – ACI Tadorne


  • L3 Miage Bases de données avancées
  • M1 Miage OLAP (bases de données multidimensionnelles, SAP business object) et NoSQL (Hadoop, Pig, Spark – streaming,SQL, Neo4j)
  • M2 informatique NoSQL (Hadoop, Pig, Spark – streaming,SQL, Neo4j)
  • Prépa agreg Math-Info (bases de données)


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